Commands for everyone:
- spawn - Teleports you back to spawn, only use this if your properly stuck.
- msg <playername> <message> - Sends a private message.
- rules - Lets you see basic rules. (Not finished yet)
- motd - Shows the message you receive when entering the server.
- list - Shows a list of players that are currently on the server.
- help - Lists commands.
- me <message> - Lets you talk in 3rd person.
- mail [read] [clear] - Lets you read or clear mail messages.
- cprivate - Locks the next sign or chest you click on.
- cpassword - Puts a password on chest
Extra commands for Councillors:
- sethome - Sets a "home" position.
- home - Teleports you to your home position. (Don't use it all the time you lazy bum. May take a few seconds to load if you teleport a long distance)
- kick <playername> - Kicks a player. (Only use if they don't stop doing something wrong after you've asked them to stop.)
- ban <playername - Bans a player. (Tell burntcustard if you use this)
- mail send <playername> <message> - Lets you read or clear mail message.
- mail [read] [clear] - Lets you read or clear mail messages.
Some more commands I may have given to some very lucky people:
- unban - Un-bans a player.
- tp <playername> - Teleports you to the player specified.
- tphere - Teleports a player to your position.
I will probably add to these lists. If any commands don't work for you, or if you find a command which isn't written here, please leave a comment. (Excluding commands with various aliases like /playerlist).