Server Information

The server IP address is:
- This is for both minecraft and mumble.

Server Hardware:
  • The server is being hosted by the wonderful: AllGamer. They are slightly more expensive than other companies, but offer great support, especially for Minecraft. You can ask them for more information about they're Minecraft servers if the stats below are not in enough detail for you.
  • The server is located in Paris, France, and has a great internet connection.
  • It has 1.5GB of RAM, 3 vCPU cores, has more than sufficient bandwidth and disk space.
Server Software:
  • Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Operating system
  • Murmur 1.2.2 VOIP server(Mumble)
  • McMyAdmin Enterprise(Backend). For fast, easy Minecraft administration, restarts and backups.
  • Bukkit/Craftbukkit build 493 running the Minecraft server
Bukkit Plugins: