Sunday, 20 March 2011

20/03/2011 - Map Downloads

Server Updates:
  • BenneyBoy444 Citizen.
  • I enabled the "vegitation" plugin so that long grass (wild grass) would grow, but then because it was making the server use too much RAM, I disabled it. The grass is still there.
  • You can now download the Town world save.
  • If you really want, you can download the last temporary map save, or even the "underground experiment" save.
  • I'm currently trying out this cool Minecraft map renderer, if anyone wants to make a "map" of the town save, that would be great! If nobody says anything about this, then I'll make one myself sometime.. maybe :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Recommended Mods and Texture Pack

Do you want better looking textures which don't explode your computer that runs on donkeys and coal? Do you want grass which grows upwards and tickles your knees, and torches that emit light as you and other people throw them at each other? Then this pack of goodies is for you!

Please do not use other mods on the server without asking me first. I'll probably say it's fine as long as it's not something like flying ^^

This pack which includes Wild Grass and Dynamic Lighting mods, and a heavily customized texture pack which is mostly Jolicraft. These mods are equally awesome in singleplayer, giving it a more "realistic" and "wildernessey" feel. Full credits and installation instructions are in the download.

Click here for the very awesome collection of nice things.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Town is back up!


Home sweet home (:
Even our fireplaces are still warm! It seems like forever that the town has been gone, but it's back.

Your chests should still be locked, but you might want to check them, just in case.

If anyone who isn't yet a member of the server wants to join, now would be a great time :)

Friday, 4 March 2011

Sorry about the delay...

Switching back to the town map has been delayed by a few things..

Firstly, I'd been having quite a bit of fun on the temporary map:

Secondly, I "crashed" my car avoiding creepers (no pic sorry), and it's been weeing everywhere "I wasn't even going that fast" etc.. I've been looking for a new one. Might get this tomorrow :D (I'm going to be needing donations even more badly after this >.< thankfully, insurance and petrol cost will stay the same)

<Picture was here>

Thirdly, bukkit (an admin tool, basically) hasn't been having it's updates properly recorded. There have actually been a few updates, but there was no mention of them on the wiki! And on top of that, there forums have been a bit on and off recently, so a few times when I've had time to, I haven't been able to update everything.

Forthly, I've been trying out new Minecraft texture packs and mods, and have settled with Jolicraft, Wild Grass, Dynamic Lights, and 4x supersampling AA forced on by Nvidia control panel. If anyone else is enjoying the wonders of Wild Grass and wants it on the server, or if anyone needs some help installing any of these mods, then leave a comment and I might help you get it working :)

And finally, I've been pretty ill recently *sad face*.

Anyway, everything important is now fixed, updated or replaced and we should have the town map back up this weekend :D

It seems I'm making progress with my "needs more pretty pictures on the blog" aim :)