Sunday, 20 March 2011

20/03/2011 - Map Downloads

Server Updates:
  • BenneyBoy444 Citizen.
  • I enabled the "vegitation" plugin so that long grass (wild grass) would grow, but then because it was making the server use too much RAM, I disabled it. The grass is still there.
  • You can now download the Town world save.
  • If you really want, you can download the last temporary map save, or even the "underground experiment" save.
  • I'm currently trying out this cool Minecraft map renderer, if anyone wants to make a "map" of the town save, that would be great! If nobody says anything about this, then I'll make one myself sometime.. maybe :)

1 comment:

  1. I could do a render if you wanted. I could do some stuff in photoshop as well like the insides of community buildings etc. and maybe the usernames of owned plots.
